Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hooking - part 1

"A good Bujinkan practitioner will use a lot of hooking techniques." This was quoted by a Bujinkan master that I really respect.

He didn't tell me why it was good though, but I think you have to learn that yourself.

When I talk about hooking, I mean as a defensive technique.

A lot of martial arts use hooking techniques like for example preying mantis, but the problem is some teachers don't tell you how to use it.

Well, my definition of hooking is directing movement away from it's weapon's intention of attack but at the same time, feeling or knowing where that weapon is (which in a sense your covering that next attack). For example, if someone tries to punch you in the face with his fist, you can re-direct it and control it to a position where you can open up his centre (away from his face) for re-attack. If he tries to attack with that same fist, you can easily defend against it because you know where that weapon is.

I think if you're very good at hooking, you can direct his mind elsewhere or make the person not realise he has been re-directed, exposing himself for attack whilst letting you know where that person is.
